Multiphoton microscope BondXplorer, for 2P, SHG, CARS, and SRS imaging.

Revolutionizing nonlinear imaging : a new hope for neurodegenerative disorders and cancer

Lightcore Technologies is an innovative company that paves the way in the field of nonlinear optical imaging. Our cutting-edge technologies offer unprecedented potential for advancing research into neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and many other biomedical and scientific fields. Founded by photonics experts and backed by leading academic institutions, our mission is to transform medical research and patient care through our state-of-the-art imaging technologies.

Our products: BondXplorer Microscope and InSplorer Endoscope

Our products, such as the BondXplorer™ microscope and the InSplorer™ endoscope, offer photonics-based multimodal imaging and analysis solutions. These tools enable non-destructive, label-free investigation of pathophysiological processes in living samples at subcellular spatial resolution. They are not only innovative, but also compact, easy to use and affordable. Their unique design enables them to deliver high-quality images while minimizing the impact on the samples studied.

Our commitment: Innovation and collaboration

What sets Lightcore Technologies apart is our commitment to innovation through academic collaborations, numerous patents and technological breakthroughs. We are determined to push back the boundaries of what is possible in the field of brain imaging. We actively collaborate with researchers and clinicians around the world to develop and improve our technologies.

New hope for neurodegenerative diseases

Our InSplorer™ technology offers enormous potential for advancing research into neurodegenerative diseases. By enabling in-vivo brain imaging in freely-moving rodents, we are opening up new avenues for studying neuronal responses in their natural context. This could lead to revolutionary discoveries in the understanding and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.

The InSplorer™ is the fruit of our commitment to innovation and is based on a unique patented technology. It offers high spatial resolution and enhanced sensitivity, making it ideal for studying neurodegenerative diseases. What’s more, its ease of use makes it ideally suited to the needs of researchers and clinicians alike.

A revolution in virtual histology: A new hope for rapid cancer diagnosis

Conventional hematoxylin, eosin and saffron (HES) histopathology, currently the “gold standard” for the pathological diagnosis of cancer, requires complex sample preparations that are not compatible with intraoperative situations where rapid decisions need to be made. Lightcore Technologies offers a solution to this challenge, providing pathologists with a near real-time technology that reveals tissue structures at the cellular level with HES histological quality. This tool could prove precious in guiding surgery, offering clear clinical benefit.

We have developed an innovative technology based on stimulated Raman imaging, capable of detecting cancer on untreated human surgical specimens. This technology, called Stimulated Raman Histology (SRH), generates images that mimic conventional HES histopathological staining, combining chemical and collagen information.

Our DC-SRS BondXplorer™ microscope uses this technology to detect tumor progression in tissue. It acquires images in the CH₂ (2850 cm-1) and CH₃ (2950 cm-1) bands, producing images virtually identical to those obtained in conventional histology, but in 100 times less time. This breakthrough paves the way for instantaneous label-free histology in an intraoperative setting.

Our technology is applicable to all organs. We have already successfully tested it on the brain and the gastrointestinal system, demonstrating its potential to revolutionize medical imaging in many fields.

These advances represent a revolution in histology and neurology, offering enormous potential for the rapid diagnosis of cancer. We invite you to come and see for yourself the revolutionary potential of our technologies. For further information, please contact our PR team.

For more information on the BondXplorer™ technology :